Smart CiTies through smart Clustering striving for Excellence
Torino Wireless is part of the European project which aims to identify a model of relationship between European clusters. The project develops a collaborative network that includes the most relevant aspects of the Smart City paradigm: mobility, energy, environment and ICT. The project is co-financed by the COSME program of the European Union.
Torino Wireless is in charge of defining a global strategy for collaboration between clusters.
Creation of an environment of trust and mutual knowledge between the clusters involved
Identification of best practices and sharing of know-how on reference topics (mobility, energy, environment, ICT, etc.)
Identification and definition of a common strategy on the topic of Smart Cities
Definition and execution of an action plan with the aim of implementing activities and identifying methodologies
Support in the implementation of a new ClusterXchange pilot scheme
Asociación Clúster de Movilidad y Logística de Euskadi (Spain)
Associació Clúster Digital de Catalunya – CLDI (Spain)
Fondazione Torino Wireless (Italy)
Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster – EVIC (Bulgaria)
Netzwerk Energie & Umwelt e. V. – NEU e.V (Germany)
Are you considering an internationalization activity within the SmartCTClusters project? Write to and we will reply as soon as possible.